Best hatchery for barred rocks


Jun 5, 2015
Wilton, ME
I think I want a flock of barred rocks to start. I'm thinking of going through Ideal. They'll be used as dual purpose birds. Eggs and meat...and non breeding cockerels will be caponized and raised up, rather than immediately culled.
I've never gotten from Ideal, but I found both Cackle and McMurray had healthy birds. Meyer (I think that is where our original, feed-store birds came from) also has good Barred Rocks.

Best of luck starting up your flock!
Mine are from Ideal. I have 6. They were accurately sexed, they have great personalities, are very active and good foragers. Two started laying at 19 weeks. The rest were laying consistently by 22 weeks.
I just got two pullets delivered today from Meyer. Their barring appears to be pretty good to my untrained eyes. They seem very healthy.

Anyways, if you're having them shipped, and are not showing, you really need to just order from the closest hatchery.


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One thing I will say about the Ideal barred Rocks, the combs were all different. They all have single combs, but some are more sail shaped, some are all points. Each one is different. There was a big variation in my lightest compared to my darkest. And a few have the odd non barred feather here and there. So you won't be getting show quality. But they are pretty and I can tell them apart most of the time.

My Barred Rock hatchery is kinda out of your area. They where bred by a APA University and the cocks cull out at 10+ in 18 weeks! The hens lay lots of eggs and they are very sex-able. The hens are jet black and the cocks are white headed.
One thing I will say about the Ideal barred Rocks, the combs were all different. They all have single combs, but some are more sail shaped, some are all points. Each one is different. There was a big variation in my lightest compared to my darkest. And a few have the odd non barred feather here and there. So you won't be getting show quality. But they are pretty and I can tell them apart most of the time.

Yes mine where very different shaped too!
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