Hens with "Spurs"?


5 Years
Jan 6, 2015
I have a beautiful buff orpington hen who has grown some very impressive spurs on her legs. Is this common as she is only bird in my flock (24) with spurs?
It isn't all that common that I know of, but it isn't rare. Older hens or boss hens I think are more prone to it, as well as certain breeds (not BOs to my knowledge).

It's not unheard of. I've seen game hens with some wicked spurs, and other breeds here and there. It's usually older hens, how old is your buff?
She's only 2 1/2 yrs old. She is very docile. She loves it when my son picks her up and pets her. Not sure if she's a regular layer or not either but I haven't isolated her to know for sure. She shows no signs of aggressive behavior with the rest of flock but the spurs just kind of shocked me.

My two Sicilian Buttercup hens have huge spurs. They aren't aggressive, but I wouldn't call them docile either! It's probably more common than people realize.
I have a game hen (A Kelso I think. I found her wandering around in a hospital parking lot and took her home....) with spurs so huge that they have to be trimmed like a roo's. I am sure she is a hen because she also lays large brown eggs and has a little bantam roo mate. I don't know if they are all like that but I know first hand that it is possible.

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