chick dustbath ?????

You can use a variety of things. They love dirt (soil), wood ash helps keeps parasites away, and you can get a lot of sand for cheap. You can mix these together, put it in a large bin, and it will keep them happy, clean, and parasite free.
I would think so, as people use it to line their chicken runs. however, I"m not sure if the chickens will be as likely to use it. You can also test and find out.
Chickens will dirt bathe in anything.

When I have baby chicks, they dirt bathe in their pine shavings. My chickens have fine masonry sand in the run, and they love to dirt bathe in it. They have course construction sand in a couple of spots outside the run that they love to dirt bathe in. They love to dirt bathe in the dry, dusty clay that is the natural soil around my place. They love to dirt bathe in the compost pile, which has a bin of straight horse manure, as well as a bin of their chicken manure and another bin of composting grass and leaves. And best of all, they love to dirt bathe in the garden soil after I've finished harvesting all the useable veggies.

My chickens are opportunistic dirt bathers. I've even had them dirt bathe in my lap.

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