

6 Years
Jul 15, 2013
Yesterday, I got a 4 month old barred rock rooster and put him in with my 1 1/2 year old hens. I didn't have time to separate him so I just put him in. The hens have been chasing him around and stuff. Will they eventually stop? And when will he show them who's boss?
That wasn't the best way to do things, for several reasons. If you have LOTS of space, and hiding places, and fairly mellow hens, he may live to become a rooster. If he hasn't brought in any diseases that your flock doesn't already have, not doing a three or four week quarantine might be okay. I hope it works out for him! Mary
He will get more fiesty but he is a little Young. Eventually he will start to show them he is the man of the house. But it is very common that the younger ones will get bullied. Hope this helps!

Thanks. How long do you think it will take till he shows them who's boss. And when will the bullying stop?
Yes I do think he will crow and mate soon. a year is about the most time it would take.

Okay, thanks so much! I'm probably getting annoying, but what's your guess on mating and crowing age?? I haven't really experienced having a rooster so I'm just throwing the questions out there.
Your not annoying and crowing age differs. Mine who is three months and 1/2 old is starting to crow.he should start crowing for mating not very sure probably withen a few months he will start to mate
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What you did is pretty much the equivalent of tossing a 13 year old boy in a room of 30 something women and expecting him to be the boss of them. Not gonna happen

Around 6 months or so he'll start coming into his own, give or take. In the meantime, they'll teach him some good manners and make sure he gets lots of exercise lol.

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