What would this mix breed look like?


Chicken Photographer
8 Years
Feb 5, 2015
I'm trying to figure out what a Lavender Cochin/Buff Orpington mix would look like. I have a lavender Cochin cockerel and i'm wanting to breed them once he's old enough. Any help would be much appreciated.
Also i do have a off subject question. You can breed Salmon Favorelles with other breeds right? I'm just curious since they have five toes and other breeds don't, and what that would do to the mix chicks.
All chickens can be cross bred, since they are all still genetically chickens. Since Lavender is a recessive dilute gene for black, a bird needs a copy from each parent for Lavender to express. He would breed like a solid black.
It's all a guessing game when crossing breeds. That's just part of the fun.
All chickens can be cross bred, since they are all still genetically chickens. Since Lavender is a recessive dilute gene for black, a bird needs a copy from each parent for Lavender to express. He would breed like a solid black.
It's all a guessing game when crossing breeds. That's just part of the fun.
Thank you.
And I know what you mean, i just hatched Buff Orpington/Barred rocks, and none of them had white on them, and only one had a bite of black on it. They all had yellow, and their adult feathers are coming in as yellow mixed in with blackish brown spots. They certainly turned out as not what i was expecting.
Yes thank you :) They're dad is barred and mom buff. I have a feeling that two are girls and one is a boy even though its to soon to tell yet. ;)

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