Guess the mystery chick!

He's beautiful! By crossing him with your black Aussies, you'll get a 100% hatch of blue chicks (black x splash= all blue). Over the Anconas, you'll also get all blue. If you breed one of those blues back to the Anconas you should get blue and black mottleds (the original cross will carry a copy of the mottled gene).

You're going to have a ton of fun with him!
He's beautiful! By crossing him with your black Aussies, you'll get a 100% hatch of blue chicks (black x splash= all blue). Over the Anconas, you'll also get all blue. If you breed one of those blues back to the Anconas you should get blue and black mottleds (the original cross will carry a copy of the mottled gene).

You're going to have a ton of fun with him!

That would be so awesome; I'm hoping that's the case, anyway ;)

It has to be a conspiracy from McMurray lol; they saw the Black Australorps on my order, and by sending him, guaranteed that the "mystery" is going to get to stay free and alive, at least until spring ha-ha :)

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