Adding pullets to the flock. Will the battle end?

It is a nice little coop for $90..and it will be great in the future for when you add other birds or chicks or for a broody hen, but small coops are hard to manage.

You could put the nests under the roosts and put a board over the top to keep night poops off them.
Aart---- you are a master mind

Board over the nests is the solution.
How far off the ground and how far apart would you place the new 2x4 roosts? Should I keep the roosts at the same height to keep from pooping on chickens below?

Hope I am not a pest!!
Well, I am a designer/builder/problem solver and I like to help people,
tho some see it only as criticism from a debby downer.

I would keep the spacing you already have on the existing lower 2 roosts and just transfer them over to the other wall.
Rule of thumb is top roost 12" away from wall and 12" down and 12" out from the top one for the next lower one(s).
You could go maybe a little tighter on the lower roost, maybe 8-10" as it's going to take you to the edge of your door.
I did the same thing as the OP when I integrated my new pullets for the firs time. I got rid of the biggest bully of my old hens and some old scrawny ones. (freezer camp) Amazingly after the biggest bully was gone everything calmed down. That was before I kept my rooster. It seems that the rooster I have now keeps everything in order when 'new one's arrive.

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