anyone have any idea what type of chicken this is?


In the Brooder
Aug 16, 2015
san diego
i got it this two wyandottes and he/she was an extra that i liked when i was picking them out, the gentleman that helped me didnt know what breed it was either. im am 95% sure the other two are wyandottes but this one looks completely different then them. so this is the reason why i am asking. any thoughts? if more pics are needed i can take them. but otherwise i have no info on this particular chick.

Looking at the legs it's not an australorp if it's a lot bigger than the others perhaps jersey giant. What is the comb type that's coming in?
i just looked no combs to speak of. not even a bump. its pretty flat, idk if this makes a difference in the prediction. its also worth noting that they are almost 3 weeks old.
Seems like a rose comb to me. Possibly just an oddly marked SLW? I think I see lacing coming in on the wing and can't think of anything else that fits.
so this is an updated pic of the mystery chick. waited a month to see if there was any dramatic changes. but i was posting it to see if anyone may have an idea, now. it looks like a a SLW to me. any ideas?


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