White Rock chick I'm hoping is a pullet

Thanks for your feedback! They are 7 weeks old now and still no red comb. The one I was concerned about possibly being male has become quite friendly so I'm hopeful nothing changes about the comb color for months!
Having a rooster in your flock is great to have
It's definitely a pullet. No question at all. 7 weeks and that color with no hint of red simply wont change until point of lay.

In rereading your initial post I see the hatchery threw in a boiler maker for free...uh, that will be a male. Hatcheries do not give free pullets. I'd like to see a photo of this free if you donate the eggs bird. Broiler maker by intent of derived name is cockerels of any breed tossed in or sold inexpensive for the sole purpose of butchering. Toss up a photo of that bird, if you forget which it is and no single comb birds are red then show photos of the other combed birds, could be a male EE or something.
Hi everyone! Revisiting some old posts I made. I dropped off of the chicken scene for a while. The mystery of the white chicks was solved. The chick that I received as an extra "meal maker" where I chose to receive an extra pullet and was encouraged to share eggs with those in need. I was concerned that I would get a breed that would be too active and not fit in with my flock so I consulted with a service representative at Meyers Hatchery. They assured me that the "free" chick was usually an extra of one of the breeds you already ordered. So when I got two little yella chicks, I assumed they gave me two white rocks which was a breed I ordered. Then they started developing very differently. The one with the white comb turned out to be a White Leghorn! I realized one day that she had white earlobes giving her breed away and distinguishing her from what White Rock pulley I had! Thank you everyone who commented!

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