Rhode Island Hen or Roo?


Aug 9, 2015
I think that this Rhode Island Red is seven or eight weeks old, but I have no idea if its a roo or hen.
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Do you have pictures to share? What makes you think you have a cockerel (cockerel is the term used for male chickens under a year of age, while pullet is a female chicken under a year of age) Is it the comb growth, hackle, saddle and sickle feathers are developing or is it the fact that it's crowing?

If you want a confirmation of what gender your chicken could be than pictures will help give other members a guide so they can help you.

I hope these pics help. My phone is not being very cooperative right now. Technology huh? I'm just not really sure of it's sex, It seems a lot calmer than the ones that I know are going to be roosters. This is my first time raising chickens and this is my only Rhode Island Red and I have nothing to compare it to.

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