Khaki Campbell sexing?


Aug 30, 2015
Wexford Ireland

I recently Bought 2 khaki Campbell ducks and the man told us they were both ducks and not a drake but I'm suspicious that the duck on the left is a drake? Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

Also told they were point of lay and 10 months old? Should they not start laying at 4-7 months???

I recently Bought 2 khaki Campbell ducks and the man told us they were both ducks and not a drake but I'm suspicious that the duck on the left is a drake? Any help would be greatly appreciated

Also told they were point of lay and 10 months old? Should they not start laying at 4-7 months???

Sadly, the one on the left does indeed look like a drake to me. He's beautiful, though!

The one on the left is a drake. Now you can have little KC cutie babies!

I recently Bought 2 khaki Campbell ducks and the man told us they were both ducks and not a drake but I'm suspicious that the duck on the left is a drake? Any help would be greatly appreciated

Also told they were point of lay and 10 months old? Should they not start laying at 4-7 months???

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The one on the left is a drake but not a true Khaki Campbell. From the penciling in his feathers and the partial ring around the neck it looks like it is crossed with a Rouen or Mallard. The female should start to lay at 18-20 weeks of age.
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Welcome to BYC!

The one on the left is a drake but not a true Khaki Campbell. From the penciling in his feathers and the partial ring around the neck it looks like it is crossed with a Rouen or Mallard. The female should start to lay at 18-20 weeks of age.
I agree with that. KCs sometimes get white on the throat, and the original ones had collars. That one does look like a hybrid based on the plumage, probably with a Rouen.
Sadly, the one on the left does indeed look like a drake to me. He's beautiful, though!


The one on the left is a drake. Now you can have little KC cutie babies!

Welcome to BYC!

The one on the left is a drake but not a true Khaki Campbell.  From the penciling in his feathers and the partial ring around the neck it looks like it is crossed with a Rouen or Mallard.  The female should start to lay at 18-20 weeks of age.

I agree with that. KCs sometimes get white on the throat, and the original ones had collars. That one does look like a hybrid based on the plumage, probably with a Rouen.

Thank you :) yes he is very gorgeous! Sadly won't be having babies though until we get more KCs as they are brother and sister! :( thanks for all your help :)

This may seem totally nuts but Ihave what looks like 2 KC boys but one of them is leaving me an egg a day. It is a green egg. I also have 3 buff ducks 2 girls and their husband Aiden. I know that buffs lay white to cream eggs so im confulsed. One of my "boy" KC is a girl in a boys body?

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Are they all housed together? You might put a little food color on the Buffs' vent one night to color code the eggs to be absolutely sure that the green egg is not coming from a Buff for some weird reason.

That said, I know that every now and then, ducks will appear to be one thing and actually turn out to be another. So I am not saying it's impossible. But food coloring is non-toxic and it is one way to be sure.
I'm definitely not an expert, but I have two Khakis and a Buff, and neither one lays green eggs. Both breeds lay the same off-white as far as I can tell. The only ducks in my flock so far that lay beautiful mint green eggs are the two Mallard females. I hope you can get that strange situation sorted out!


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