Ordered my 1st chicks!!


In the Brooder
Sep 2, 2015
Just ordered my first chicks.. Super excited!!

But now I am a little anxious and worried that I may be missing something..

Ordered from California Hatchery.. Has anyone used them before?? What did you think??
I got 2 Rhode Island Reds and 2 Barred Rocks, all hens..

Setting up my brooder box this week, got some chick grit and medicated chick feed (is medicated or non-medicated better?),
have a couple little roosting bars, and my Sav-A-Chick Electrolyte & Vitamin supplement is on its way.
I am going to go pick up my feeder, waterer, marbles, bedding, and heat lamp... What am I forgetting??

Very nervous 1st time chicken mama here, any and all advise is more than welcome.. Encouraged even!!

Sounds like you have everything covered, I like to start my brooding temperature at 85 degrees for chicks. The medicated feed is to build immunity to cocidiosis, I don't use it because I don't have trouble with it, it seems to be regional, so I can't help you decide on that. I am excited for you, to me, getting chicks is like Christmas for adults.
Before you spend money on a heat lamp, I beg you to read this: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/956958/mama-heating-pad-in-the-brooder-picture-heavy-update

Those of us who have brooded chicks with a heating pad, have sworn that we will never go back to using a heat lamp again! This is a much more user friendly method of brooding chicks. It provides a much more natural method than exposing chicks to bright light 24/7. Gives them natural wake sleep cycles, makes them feel much more secure. Results in chicks that are more socialized, and not as easily spooked.
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I just got my first babies today! The list you have is pretty much all the stuff that I also bought, except... what are the marbles for??

Good luck! They are super adorable, I am in love with mine already.
Ditto, sounds like you have everything covered. I can mention bedding. Some folks don't use shavings for the first day or two, especially on hungry shipped chicks. One, It's a good practice to closely monitor their poop. Two, they pick at everything and have been known to occasionally die from eating shavings. Newspaper is too slick and long term can cause leg problems. I use paper towels or regular towels for the first 2-3 days.
Chickens are so much fun and so funny to watch. Best of luck and Enjoy!

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