

5 Years
Jan 4, 2015
Kensington, mn
So I got some chickens from my sister in law. She was sick of chickens so I inherited them for free. She tends to think she knows more than she actually knows. I seem to recall that she said one was an amerucana (sp?), but I'm not to sure. I think she said the black/white one was a mutt but tell me what you think anyways. My best guess is that one is a welsummer, brown leghorn, and mutt.





The first is a Brown Leghorn, with those white earlobes. She'll lay white eggs. The second is a Production Red. She'll lay brown eggs. The third looks like an Easter Egger. She might lay blue, green, brown, or cream.
So a follow up question, is there any way to know what would happen if I bred these chickens to a buff orp? My roosters are buff orps.
The Easter Egger is a silver-based color, so her chicks would be sexlinked if she is bred to a red/gold-base color rooster. Male chicks would have white/yellow based down, female chicks will have a buff base down. It may be difficult to distinguish the males from females at hatch, though. As they feather in, the males will have their mother's black and white coloring. Females will be more golden/buff.

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