What breed is this hen? & are these barred rocks hens or roosters?


5 Years
Jan 23, 2015
We got this hen from our neighbor and he had no idea of the breed. She lays white eggs. She also have some pretty good spurs (I didn't know hens got those) I think she's gorgeous - just wish I knew if she is a specific breed. We hatched the barred rocks from eggs we got from him and I can't tell if they are cockerels or pullets. They are about a week shy of being 3 months old.

They may still be too young to tell but you guys and gals are experts on a lot of things so what do ya think? TIA!

The first bird is a Brown Leghorn.
The barred birds are way too red in the comb too early to be pullets, even though they have 'darker' barring. Since one has feathers on the legs, they are not pure. They do all look like cockerels. My Barred Rock pullets didn't start to get pink in the comb until they were over 14 weeks old.
Awesome! thanks for the info. I do know that the barred rocks are mixed - just didn't think to mention that. Not sure what his rooster was but it was gorgeous red and other colors and he was the biggest chicken I've ever seen. Unfortunately his dogs killed the rooster and his other hens. That's why I asked if I could take his last hen - to save her from eventual death to the dogs. :(

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