Wheat bran


5 Years
Oct 22, 2014
Will where I live I only have what bran for chicken feed I give them wheat bran mixed with water but they don't eat it can u plz tell me what can I add in wheat bran so they will eat it plz plz plz help
I live in a place where chicken feed is available, but not commonly used. If you can free range your chickens, they'll probably do fine of what they can fine supplemented with cracked corn and kitchen scraps.

Do you have access to corn and soy or some other legume? If so, I have some homemade feed recipes I could post.
No we don't have corn here we have rice wheat bread that all I feed my chickens
Are you sure there's no corn? If not, maybe try rice. Neither is particularly healthy, but they add calories.

Do you let them out to eat grass and bugs during the day? If so, they'll be just fine. Try not to feed to much rice or wheat though. They won't stop when they're full and they'll get fat, which might affect egg laying.

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