winterizing for coturnix


9 Years
Mar 4, 2015
saraland alabama
Im in south alabama winters vary from teens to 70s i know the birds need protection from cold blowing wind but what about a heat source do they need heat lamps when their grown or will their own down suffice thanks.
Just wrap your cages in plastic sheeting to block out any draft, and they'll be fine. Heat lamps can be dangerous, if the power goes out or the bulb dies you could lose your birds if theyre acclimated to a heat lamp.
It was -20 degrees f here last winter and my coturnix did fine with just wind protection and a small pile of hay to borrow into.
I wouldn't put the plastic up yet.Let them acclimate to the temps so they will produce the right amount of down to keep them warm.I would wait until the temps hit the 30's and then poly them in.Remember not to make it too tight it may start to build up moister which is a no no for all birds. I would make sure their roosting area is draft free and leave the bottom of their pen open to fresh air.
In N.H.,Tony
Northwest Florida here. New to quail. My quail are inside an old layer house. It is half mesh, half plywood. When this cold snap arrived I put 6mil clear plastic around everything but the south side on my 1week old chicks brooder and around the sand run on my 6 week olds. All young birds have a brooder lamp with a 100 bulb. On the house and other poultry houses I usually put 6mil up but leave the south side open unless we have a crazy freeze. The roof line of this old layer house I leave open. I just put plastic up as a wind break. I have never used a heat lamp for any adults yet. They can huddle in their sand boxes to keep warm
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