How to tell they're ready to lay eggs?

How about my 16-17 week old White leghorns? 3 of 5 are starting to redden up.

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The oldest!
My black sex link (I think that's what she first hen) is supposedly around 5months old ( I've had her a month and I was told she was 4 months old when I got her)

Above:This was her when I first got her...a month ago It is hard to see her face...she wouldn't sit still lol

This is her today.

This is her laying around in the dirt and leaves under the banana trees.
~Her wattles have gotten redder than when I first got her but I don't know if they should be a lot redder/bigger than they are..She has been very noisy lately and has been laying in these leaves and under her favorite bushes...She free ranges. Does anyone think this is could be a strong indication that she will begin laying soon? I'm anxious for her to start laying but being that she is in a new home and the days have gotten shorter I'm wondering if she will just wait til springtime...Any thoughts would be appreciated! Thanks!
Our Colombian Rocks are so close to laying. It's like standing there waiting for toast to pop :). All the signs are there just a waiting game. Nesting boxes are all set up and ready to go.
I've got 3 18 week old chickens and judging from all of the signs I'd say it's gonna be a while. They have gotten very loud around me like hey!!! Hey!!!! We want some of those treats!!! But their combs and wattles are only slightly red and I still have to chase them or lure them in with treats they won't just sit down. Can't wait! Keep each other posted please! I wanna hear the news.
I have 10 RIR , 1 EE, 5 Sex Links and 2 RIR roosters that are 17 weeks. My roosters have started their boy behavior of attempting to mate with my EE and 2 other hens. They still run for the most part when you try to pet them. The combs and waddles of the hens are still pretty pink more than red, but the roosters are very bright red. Trying to get an idea of when to expect eggs and also now that my roosters are trying to mate, will this cause any harm to my hens since they are not laying yet? 1st time chicken owner and learning as we go!! Thank you in advance!

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