Eek! The Faverolle


5 Years
Aug 5, 2014
SW Texas
Eek! is a 10 week old Faverolle that I bought along with her two sisters, Eggplant and Squash. They came from a nice family that had gotten them so their many kids could experience "farm life". Turns out they'd gotten to many and that's how ended up with Eek!, Eggplant and Squash. The other two are your normal, average Faverolles. Eggplant's shape is vaguely eggplantish and Squash at times looks like a crook neck squash. Eek! is something else entirely. These pictures do not do justice to her interesting plumage (more down then actual feathers). She also freaks out at the smallest thing and interacts with the other birds in an almost Autism like way.

"Is it safe?"

Eggplant can't figure out why Eek! is hiding.

She has decided it is safe enough to be in the coop.

The tailess, fuzzy wonder.
Oh my gosh, that's just too cute! I love those pics and captions too! And those names, LOVE THEM! Thanks for sharing.

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