Egglands Best eggs? Fertile?


9 Years
Jan 11, 2013
North Eastern, Ky
I normally do not purchase EB eggs but I did because it was all this store had besides a cheaper brand I wasnt interested in.
Anyway, I cracked four open making my son and I some scrambled eggs and there was a very ovvious bulleye in each egg. My husbamd used several the day before too and every egg of his had a bullseye. Just out of curiosity I read online about them and everywhere I read says EB does nog allow roosters and no way they could be fertile. Now im a little confused and wondering if anyone has seen fertile EB eggs and tried incubating them? Just curious.
Strange no ones heard anything! But i assume there wouldnt be many trying to hatch these eggs anyway. i know many has had luck with Trader Joe eggs.

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