Ducks picking on new duck


Oct 10, 2015
Bel is a male rouhen clair, Valley a female rouhen. they have been brought up together and are a cute pair. but i thought i better get Bel another female. Daisy came along 2 weeks ago and she fitted in perfectly but all of a sudden they are seriously bullying her. i can't part with any of them so please give ideas on what to do. Both Bel and Valley are ripping and eating her feathers and trying to bite her eyes. thankyou. could it be to do with her colour? Daisy is an indian runner duck
Bel is a male rouhen clair, Valley a female rouhen. they have been brought up together and are a cute pair. but i thought i better get Bel another female. Daisy came along 2 weeks ago and she fitted in perfectly but all of a sudden they are seriously bullying her. i can't part with any of them so please give ideas on what to do. Both Bel and Valley are ripping and eating her feathers and trying to bite her eyes. thankyou. could it be to do with her colour? Daisy is an indian runner duck
They may need more time apart. When I've introduced new members to my flock, I fence them off from the rest as long as needed. It depends on the duck. For my last two ducks, I actually fenced off the male ducks from the rest of the flock. With them out of the picture for a couple of days, the females bonded and accepted the newcomers. Once the females got along, I added the males back in one at a time, and they mated once, then left them alone. Like they had to mark their territory :) I have always added to my flock in pairs, I have been lucky to find adult female ducks that needed homes, and all of them had several ducks with them at the time. It seemed that adding two was better for everyone, because the new pair could go off alone together, and slowly adjust to their new flock. Just give it some more time, and keep them separated, especially at night until she finds her place in your flock.
This is what i don't understand, they were friends for the first 2 weeks. I think it is because Daisy won't let Bel mate with her. We haven't got enough room to seperate them unless the drake (Bel) was left in the little coop all day 2mx1m and i left the girls in the aviary with the chickens, but i don't know what i can do for night-time? Thanks. I think Bel might have to go, but would Valley get depressed because her partner from birth to 4months has gone? @jducour
I usually just use a roll of chicken wire to create a separation. It doesn't have to be elaborate. I also have a dog run that can be set up anywhere. I'm not sure if the answer is to find a home for Bel. It is unusual that they got along for two weeks, then not. I haven't had to separate any bonded ducks, and though I think they would be sad, ducks are extremely resilient. 6 of my ducks were adopted as adults, and they came from larger flocks, and I'm sure they left friends behind. As long as they have a friend, they can go through a transition like that easier.
Hi, Bel is being rehomed
I use a few feet of chicken wire and some stakes to separate newly introduced ducks for the first couple weeks. It is pretty easy and takes less than an hour to construct. I'm actually introducing two new ducks right now. Make sure the separated ducks have access to shelter. Spread treats outside and inside the new fence to get them used to eating near each other. Watch carefully how the ducks interact to determine when to cease segregation. Usually two weeks or so is sufficient. So far this method has worked for me.


Hi, thank you everyone
We've been separating the coop but it's so much hassle. Bel is now living a happy life at a new home. It was heartbreaking

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