bird died not long after ivermectin dose?


7 Years
Oct 3, 2012
Western Sydney, Australia
Hi all. One of my young birds quickly collapsed and died after being given ivermectin. I'm dosing them for worms and mites as well as using permethrin spray for feather mites. I've been dosing 0.2ml per bird. He went paralysed in one leg, then the other, then full collapse in under 2 minutes. I may have mixed him up with another bird and dosed him yesterday as well as today, but I still wouldn't have thought that was enough to kill him. My other thought is he had such a worm burden that killed him. Any thoughts welcome.
Not sure. I use permtherin loosely as a strong spray and haven't had any troubles. I think If it was to many worms it would have taken longer, unless It was about to die of worms soon anyway.
Thanks for your input and yes, that's what I mean, if he had a heavy worm burden there was no saving him anyway. I should mention the rest of the flock - 9 birds including 2 just fledged squabs - are absolutely fine. I switched to ivermectin because I recently used levimasole and it didn't seem to work and I wanted to eliminate any potential bloodsucking mites too. I've never seen an ivermectin overdose before and I've used it on many different animals. Im only using a diluted permethrin very sparingly for feather mites
Hi all. One of my young birds quickly collapsed and died after being given ivermectin. I'm dosing them for worms and mites as well as using permethrin spray for feather mites. I've been dosing 0.2ml per bird. He went paralysed in one leg, then the other, then full collapse in under 2 minutes. I may have mixed him up with another bird and dosed him yesterday as well as today, but I still wouldn't have thought that was enough to kill him. My other thought is he had such a worm burden that killed him. Any thoughts welcome.
That's 10 times the dose rate for birds as it should be .02 ml per 150gm bird

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