New Chicken Mama


Oct 23, 2015
Long Beach CA
I was so excited for my new babies to get here after I placed my order that I spend the date of delivery hovering near the front door watching for the truck. I ordered 6 chicks: a Buff Orpington, An Easter Egger, a Barred Plymouth Rock, A Black Australorp, a Rhode Island Red and a Silver Laced Wyandotte. They finally arrived and It was love at first sight! Only little hiccup is that I cant tell who is who. Oh I figured out which is the Buff, RIR and the Barred Rock but the rest are a complete mystery to me. I think the little brownish one is the EE but...could somebody help a newbie out


The one on the bottom picture is the EE. I would assume the all black one is the Black Australorp; the one with some silver in it would be the Wyandotte. Such pretty lil ones! Hope you have success with your first batch of chickens!

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