How do you show a chicken??


8 Years
Mar 31, 2015
Hampden MA
Hey! I would love to start showing my birds but don't know the first thing about it. What are some things that are really important? do I need to learn about bone structure or anything? does it matter if they are a super fancy breed??? I would love to know anything and everything about it! Thanks!
Hi Charlotte
What do you mean by super fancy?
When showing chickens you should read about
There features like should they have yellow legs
White legs etc.Or if you are unsure about if you
Have a good quality example of that breed post
It up here and we will tell you what we think
The second thing you do is washing the chickens
Wash them a week befour the show so
They can get the natural oils back on their feathers.
First you wash them in warm water with some shampoo.
Rib the feathers in the direction they go so you don't break them
Then put him/her in warm water to wash of shampoo.
Then rub them with a towel and dry them with a hair dryer not to hot!

I usually keep the hens inside my chicken shed the week before
The show so they don't get dirty.On the show day bring water,food,
Some vasaline or petroleum jelly and some baby wipes
Just before judging check the bird over.If it has a small bit of dirt or something
Just rub a baby wipe on the dirty area and it should be gone.Then rub vasaline on the legs,comb and wattles
So the legs stand out more and the comb and wattles get redder.
Don't put on too much petroleum jelly on because the judges won't want a lump of it on
Their hands.Also if you can get one.Get a silk cloth and befour the judging rub the chicken with it.

After judging give the bird some feed and water in a container.And if you want to know something about
Your bird like why it dident get placed,why it only came third etc.
Ask the judge And they will tell you why and what they think of the bird
Good luck and happy showing
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Thank you so so so much!! This was exactly what kind of things I was looking for! And also, by fancy I kind of meant like super patterned or like exotic breeds like polish,seramas, just kind of different looking birds. But I think now I will start showing because it sounds really fun! one more thing, do you show birds? if so, what breed/breeds do you show? I would love to see pics of them/her/him if possible! Thanks for helping! It helped so much!
Hi charolette
You can show any breed as there is lots of different classes
True bantam,soft feather etc.
Yes I show chickens too
I show Barbu Danvers,cream legbars and silkies
I only have pictures of the Barbu Danvers at shows
I will have better pictures of the Barbu Danvers in a few days
As I got them professionally photographed at the show
And they will send them in a few days
I will show you some I took
Sorry for bad quality of picture




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