Sex Guidance? For my turkeys, of course!


7 Years
Jan 27, 2015
Redding, California
Boys? Maybe one girl? Thanks for any input! My keyboard is malfunctioning or I would say more.

How old, the all look like hens to me at the moment, though sometimes it can be hard to tell until they get a bit older.
I'm not really sure how old they are. They are rescue birds that came to me with ferocious sinus infections. The RPs are still fighting it, but I think the red is out of the woods completely. They are very very sweet! They only make their soft little baby noises yet. I have never had turkeys before. My only exposure to them has been the wild ones that abound here.

I based my own "conclusion" on what I have read here, about head colors and bumpy necks. But, I have nothing to compare to them, only them to one another. If they are female, will the wild males try to court them do you think? If so, is that a bad thing?

Thank you!
We occasionally get wild turkeys coming up to our pen, I don't think it would be a bad thing, unless your turkeys leave with the wild ones, that would be bad.

Mine are 4-5 months old, the one sweetgrass is for sure a Tom, and a few are for sure hens, I just still wondering about the other sweetgrass and one of the bourbon, I should know for sure within a month, all toms should be displaying by then.
I'm not really sure how old they are. They are rescue birds that came to me with ferocious sinus infections. The RPs are still fighting it, but I think the red is out of the woods completely. They are very very sweet! They only make their soft little baby noises yet. I have never had turkeys before. My only exposure to them has been the wild ones that abound here.

I based my own "conclusion" on what I have read here, about head colors and bumpy necks. But, I have nothing to compare to them, only them to one another. If they are female, will the wild males try to court them do you think? If so, is that a bad thing?

Thank you!

The Bourbon Red is old enough to have mature feathers and judging by the light colored lower edges of her breast feathers, she is a hen. If the Royal Palms are about the same age, they also look like they are hens.

The wild toms will try to court your hens. Wild birds of any kind can introduce diseases into your flock. Depending on the laws of the state that you live in can determine just how bad a thing that having the wild toms mate with your hens is.

In my state, the law reads that any turkeys that have any wild turkey blood in them belong to the state as do all wildlife in this state. Here a G&F permit is required in order to own wild turkeys which would also apply to any poults that would be produced by a wild tom mating with domestic hens. Along with that permit, the enclosures that the turkeys are to be kept in would require approval of the G&F as a requirement to getting the permit in the first place.

Not all states have such strict requirements and some states are even more strict. If wild turkeys are around, it is best to actually know the laws of your state regarding interaction between the wild and domestic turkeys.
How many turkeys did you rescue? If you haven't had turkeys before....your going to LOVE them. I've only had mine since July and can't imagine not having turkeys again. Love my chickens, but my turkeys are special! They are a lot of fun!

That's great information from R2elk about mixing with wild. Not something that would ever have occurred to me.

Keep us posted on your new flock & post lots of pictures!
R2Elk and Memphis, thank you SO MUCH, both for the information, and for the gracious interest!

In my state, CA, I believe that I am not even entitled to encourage wild turkeys to hang around. I did not know about hybrids; but I expect it would be a nightmare! Thank you again!

Memphis, I was given these by a woman with a rescue ranch, because she didn't have the time to nurse them. You are correct; they ARE special! I adore them! I will indeed keep you all posted!


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