INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Theses are the 2 adapters, i tried the bottom one 1st, but i am going to use the top one tomorrow
I'd use a 12 gauge, there is a reason it is there
Have you talked to the dump attendants?

Dumped chickens don't end up well.... I did the same thing as you, runt, and ended up with multiple illnesses in my flock that cost me time, money, and tears just to mostly keep a lid on.

Mine was in broad daylight while I was home, in the kitchen.
I was in the middle of using my compressor on the patio between the back porch and the garage. I went inside for lunch. When I came out there was a bunch of brush in the middle of the driveway. I couldn't figure out where it came from. Then I saw the compressor was gone. I surmise they had the brush in the back of a truck, drug it out, wheeled the compressor up to it and loaded it up.
My house is really soundproof. With 10 roosters, I can't hear them when I'm in the house.
I called a couple friends hoping they had borrowed it. They said they wouldn't do that without asking. I was hoping anyway.

Maybe the firewood guy was just cold.:gig

He'd have been cold forever if I'd walked up & caught him; room temperature, anyway. The State Trooper told me "If the b*****d comes back, shoot him"

Good trooper!!
According to ouer law, if a burglar enterd your house and fall from the stairs and broke his leg, HE CAN SUE YOU FOR HIS DAMAGE!
Stupid Stupid laws! This is my nightmare! I don't care for anthing that they will steal, I am insured, but if I will cache him at home when my children an wife are there he will stop inhaling on the spot!!
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Good trooper!!
According to ouer law, if a burglar enterd your house and fall from the stairs and broke his leg, HE CAN SUE YOU FOR HIS DAMAGE!
Stupid Stupid laws! This is my nightmare! I don't care for anthing that they will steal, I am insured, but if I will cache him at home when my children an wife are there he will stop inhaling on the spot!!
that law is also a law here

There was one time that a burglar was (obviously) robbing someone but while robbing them found child porn and called the police on the person
he got in trouble but didnt care
Quote: Why bother? Even if it walked up to you and jumped into your vehicle, what then? You keep coming up with reasons why you can't quarantine it, which means that you're willing to gamble the health of your flock for a bird of unknown origin, found at a dump because someone decided the dump was a fitting place to dump an unwanted bird.

Do yourself and your other birds a favor; get out of Dodge quick as you can. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200
@ChickenCanoe Theses are the 2 adapters, i tried the bottom one 1st, but i am going to use the top one tomorrow
) You need to see the current needed in your fans. . The first transformator will give you only 0.5 Ampers (500Mm Amp) I think that you need more,the Tention = voltage you need is 12 V DC.
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that law is also a law here

There was one time that a burglar was (obviously) robbing someone but while robbing them found child porn and called the police on the person
he got in trouble but didnt care

Good trooper!!
According to ouer law, if a burglar enterd your house and fall from the stairs and broke his leg, HE CAN SUE YOU FOR HIS DAMAGE!
Stupid Stupid laws! This is my nightmare! I don't care for anthing that they will steal, I am insured, but if I will cache him at home when my children an wife are there he will stop inhaling on the spot!!

My meth head neighbors know not to step over here I don't have to reload for a long time.
Why bother?  Even if it walked up to you and jumped into your vehicle, what then? You keep coming up with reasons why you can't quarantine it, which means that you're willing to gamble the health of your flock for a bird of unknown origin, found at a dump because someone decided the dump was a fitting place to dump an unwanted bird.

Do yourself and your other birds a favor; get out of Dodge quick as you can. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200
hey I am a animal lover
My next project is figuring out what drugs can and cannot be used in food animals, so I need your help.

Let me start with a question for all of you... If a vet posted this about a drug, what would you think?

The drug in question is wormer called Pyrantel Pamoate, which is "labeled" for use in people, dogs, cats, and horses.
A) The drug could never be used in food animals.
B) The drug could be used as long as an appropriate withdrawals were followed.
C) Other. Please explain.


Note: There is no wrong answer here, I'm just trying to figure out what you all think a statement like the one above means. Going forward I am going to research the list of the "approved drugs", the "banned" drugs, and what "off label" means.

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