INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Can't figure out how to get to the post numbers but the incubator has a towel around the sides for now and I'm reaching out to friends to see if we could hijack some electricity from them.
all the info I posted above are on the first page not sure how to make it to where you could just click them after I posted but sounds like you are on thw right track, hope it all goes well!
They're over at our friends house now so they should be ok. And our brooder babies are bunched together but aren't shivering or anything so I think they'll be okay. I'm gonna check them in a couple hours though just in case. Not much I think I could do for them anyway. I saw the aps truck driving slow on the road with a flashlight looking at the power lines on the way back from my friends house so hopefully this will be resolved soon!
Confessions of a crazy chicken lady:
A coworker has raised chickens for over 30 years and has hundreds of chickens, all free range birds. She commutes to work and is away from home 4 days a week, so the eggs sit for days at a time when her husband is also away from home. She sells eggs for $5 a flat. They were selling quickly until a few people boiled developing eggs. We deal with a lot of unusual situations and sights in our line of nursing, but most couldn't handle the thought of cracking open a fertile egg. Needless to say, the eggs aren't selling now. So, I thought about it... Fertile eggs $5 a flat- big, small, white, tan, brown, green, blue. I bought a flat, brought them home and let them sit next to the nearly empty incubator for 2 hours. And then... Yes, I did it, I have an incubator full of "opportunity eggs" as of 8 PM Monday.
I'm not sure if I should be celebrating my good deal, or maybe I should be blushing with embarrassment.
How about I pinch my cheeks and cheer?
Update: @Sally Sunshine I had one Ancona starting to hatch yesterday and 4 others still alive. I have quite a few Cochin eggs in the incubator, and some Muscovy eggs. My dogs killed my favorite Muscovy hen the other day, and I'm really hoping that I can hatch some of her eggs. I was starting to type this lastnight and fell asleep. :lol:
It the second generation of my cross breeding endeavor, as well as barred rock and buff orphington mixes. I've been really busy with all these chickens, and with 4H stuff and school stuff. Lots of stuff unfortunately, I don't know why I signed up for all this stuff.

I'm going to be setting a mix of duck, turkey and chicken eggs a little bit after this batch is finished.(we'll see what happens with this much mix of species.
) Any suggestions for hatching ducks is greatly appreciated! This will be my first time doing duck!
NOOOO!!! We just had a power outage. I hope it comes back on soon or the brooder babies and incubator babies are gonna get cold!!!
You can power the incubator off the battery in your automobile by using a plug-in converter that converts the DC current of the battery to regular AC current, like is in the house.
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