INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Photo bomb!

My lavender ameraucana babies from last week's hatch

My BCM babies from the beginning of the year are getting so big, so fast! Looks like I'm going to have a good choice of cockerels and still plenty of pullets

I have one single lavender ameraucana in this current batch I received - they are SUCH adorable chicks!

Thanks so much for posting the BCM photos. I have 10 in this group - 7 blue copper, 2 black copper, and one splash, all spunky and big and happy. I have really wanted them from the beginning, and I am so unreasonably thrilled and excited! I just spent about 45 minutes watching them being cute.

- Ant Farm
Stabbing is certainly over the top and should be punished severely. In the 50's disputes were most often settled by fist fights (usually more like pushing & wrestling matches) after school, although my son was once suspended for defending himself against the school bully in the locker room after gym class. I didn't punish him; I was proud of him for doing what I'd been raised to do and had taught him to do, ie, don't ever start a fight, but don't run away from one, either; clean the guy's clock if you can...if you can't, take your lumps like a man.

Late 60's for me and high school fist fights and girls scratching were the norm. The knives brought a whole new element to the situation.
@Sally Sunshine hatch update - day 21 - three hatched so far

One EE and two OE's so far. No other pips seen atm.
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Whi. My friend, I am earning my livelihood from education and teaching teenagers, I don't want to refer to the specific incident, but I saw, especially in the last 15 years
Level of cruelty in between 14-17 years old, that the hair on the back of my neck stand up straight! The level of Shamming, boycotting, curses etc. in the net is incredible! I see now teenagers that have criminal mind very like grownups.
I think that the generation today, and I know that I am speaking in general terms, is less innocent, "mature" very early, and is less sympathetic than previous. So I agree partially in what you are saying, but I think that they need more Training and supervision than you think they need, and yes I don't think that she need to go to prison.
Which should be done in the home, which should alleviate such behavior as you refer to. and is a whole 'nuther problem, IMO
Beyond that,
i tried the other link it wanted me to pay $25, then i found another and it wanted me to pay $15,

i 'll see if i can search youtube
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