Major temperature spike, worth trying to save?

I just candled the eggs and I am sad to say that the vast majority of the appear to be - for sure - dead. I have three "Maybes" that I'm not comfortable giving the 100%, but I'm not getting my hopes up for them
*hugs* that's sad
. Please keep us updated!
I had the same thing happen except I think my son's friend tampered with the incubator. I had a serious spike to 126 (but for less than an hour). Let me know how it turns out for you. Good luck!

Ok, so I just saw that there was a page 2 of this thread. I'm sorry for your loss! Keep us updated whether or not any of them made it. I know how you feel. I'm devastated about what happened to my incubator in the one hour I was gone to the store.
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Okay guys, today is hatch day. I went ahead and carefully candled last night to check for internal pips because of how delicate the situation is, and it looks like my "maybes" died as well. The embryos appeared slightly bigger than the ones that died at the spike, but I guess they were too weak to make it to hatch.
Thanks for your support everyone, I guess I'm trying again!
On the bright side, one of my ducks started laying the other day!

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