They grow so fast :(

This so reminds me of the time I had my brooder box in the bathroom.  Actually it was more like a brooder refridgerator box, lol.   I cut down the seam of two of the sides just so I could bend the cardboard enough to put down fresh water.  Often I would leave the top off so that there was good ventilation and light.  I had this frisky turkey chick that would bombard the cut side, eventually it would flop over ....and he would jump/fly out.....right into the toilet bowl.  There he would cheep until someone came for him.  I would have to put him back into the incubator for a few hours just to warm him up and dry him out. 

Yeah, they're in a fairly small kiddy pool right now and quickly outgrowing it!!! Lol will be two weeks Monday. They were supposed to be in the garage from day one but I guess that didn't work out so well.... XD they will be moved out ASAP though. But wow, that sounds like a smart idea using a refrigerator box! I just taped cardboard to the sides but it's a huge pain lol but oh wowm that sounds like quite the adventurous chick!!!! Hahaha glad he always ended up okay though. :) I'd be concerned of drowning or something. The lid's been closed so far but I'm sure it'd get accidentally open sometime. What a ridiculous chick though lol how's the fella doing now??
He is still very adventurous. The fridge box only stayed inside for two weeks, then I moved it outside. Whenever I left the top off he would figure out a way to jump/fly out.....refrigerator boxes are tall so I still don't know how he managed it. He is very lucky that the cat didn't get him. I think I have a picture of it on my Stupid Questions Thread. I also have pictures of interim coops that I built out of pallets. Pallets are free for the taking here and four of them make one fine little chicken house. My pallet houses don't have floors in them so I move them whenever they need cleaning so that they are on a fresh patch of grass.

I don't clean the fridge box but every few days I put down a fresh piece of cardboard overtop of the poop. That way they always have a clean dry surface to peck and poop up again, lol. While it was indoors the only opening was the very top of the box. When I put it outside I cut a little door for the chicks. I surrounded it with a wire expen so that the chicks could go outside onto the grass when the weather was nice. Btw I picked up a tarp at Walmart for five bucks and cover the box when it rains.
He sounds like trouble! LOL I'll have to look for that thread! Pallets are free here too and.we got a couple before the.chicks got here but I might need more. No ride though. Now I might just buy some more plywood though as I decided I might just add an addition to our dog house since I have no building skills LOL Although I just realized something else... Perhaps I could simply put the plywood over the pallets.. One is a nice crate like thing. Small for 8 but with the dog house expansion and/or plywood it could work. I'm planning on raising mine off the ground so floor although the tractor thing I always liked.

That sounds pretty convenient! I've been putting shavings on the pool but it's a tad annoying. The ex pen thing seems cool too and we probably have some tarps but I may buy more or some plastic sheeting i sae at Wal-Mart recently. I'm thinking of taking them outside sometime for something fun

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