Unabsorbed yolk

I couldn't end up culling it, I just couldn't . I woke up (now 2:30 am) and when I lifted the incubator the baby was starring at me and was chirping. It wasn't struggling to air. So I gave it some water in a water droplet thing. I looked at his belly and all them at green slimy stuff and Horton on his abdomen and made everything crusty, even his legs began to stick to it, I'm thinking I and just wet his bottom again, cut his lower abdomen 'hair' so it doesn't stick as bad. Other then the weakness in not so sure about... A little bit of gatoraid in water for electrolytes? Idk tell me what you think.
Sorry I just read that , auto correct. When I looked at his belly, all the green slimy stuff mad had his lower abdomen crusty, so his legs stuck to the sides and his feathers/ 'hair' stuck together, even his poo, so now I got to take the poop off of him and try to in stick it,
Sounds like a lot of wet poo, Does he have diarrhea? His intestines could have been full form having a pasted vent. Make sure to check his vent often to keep it cleaned off. If the poo inside his intestines builds up too much it is fatal.
It wasn't, it just got stuck to the crust. I woke up at 2 and it was doing perfectly fine but when I woke up for class it had died..
Sympathize with your loss.

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