Duck Breed Focus - Call Ducks

I would love a couple of these cuties! There seems to be some controversy on wether they’re louder than regular ducks, but I have no frame of reference.

What is everybody’s personal experience? Louder? Same? Quieter?

Also, how many do you have?
well when you have a whole bunch of them and they all start quacking at once yes it's pretty darn loud.
Mine really don't make all that much noise unless they want something, see something or fighting about something.
Great questions!

My female call is loud, but so are my other ducks. Probably the same, but the pitch or tone is different, kind of the way a small rooster's crow is different.

I only have two. :(
Yes, this.
My call girls have a higher pitched sounding quack than the cayuga ducks do.
I would say perhaps the call duck quack carries farther, but the Cayuga ducks quack can get quite loud.

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