The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

The dead trees could go to a biomass plant. We had one here that closed down because they could not get enough to burn.

State and federal regulations need to be adjusted.

Most of the public land in California is Federal. 3% is owned by California.
I’m not blaming CA per se. I think a lot of the forest management has been bungled by the powers that be regardless of level. Regulations are made by humans but Nature is a powerful Mother and they mean nothing to her. Humans are so busy putting their authority over everything like they’re in control but they’re not. Someone on BYC said it’s like the earth is trying to shake us off, I agree.
Good morning world. Have a great day.

And a very good day to you too IM!

hi everyone, :frow
just thought i would say hi and that i'm still around, just busy as usual and then after everything is done i just want to take a shower and go to bed, lately i've been feeling kinda of weird so not really feeling very social , please forgive me , husband says we need to start taking geritol, maybe we should, both of us are always tired lately
sorry for the pity party

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