A Beginners First Experience with Shipped Eggs (Picture Heavy!)

now y'all have to come over to the incubation with friends thread with us too! and welcome to BYC! veny you got the linkage to our thread?
Here are my chick bebes. ~1 week old. :)

Group Shots:

Individual Shots:

Pachycephlapouli (Blue Mix #1) She is black with white tummy and dot on head, a little on wings too. Her head is domed funny or something! Has peach legs with black overlay.

(Blue Mix #2) Black with a grey tummy and lower back, a little white on throat and dot on head, also a little on wings. Peach legs.

(Blue Mix #3) White, buff and grey mottled. Wing feathers coming in grey. Peach legs. Larger than the others. Very pretty!

(Blue Mix #4) White thoat tummy and bum. Has white eyeliner and the tip of his beak is black. Wing feathers are black with white tips. Peach legs.

(Legbar #1) Classic chipmunk stripes. Slightly smaller dot on head than sister. Peach legs.

(Legbar #2) wouldn't let me take a pic. grr. Classic chipmunk stripes. Slightly bigger dot on head than sister. Peach legs.

All six are doing fabulous!
I had some last time that egg was broken all the way around,but were held in by the membrane,which was 3/8 inch from the shell

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