Are crockpot turkey bones bad for chickens?


Sing Brightly
Project Manager
Premium Feather Member
8 Years
Aug 1, 2015
My Coop
My Coop
I just got done pulling out the turkey bones and such from my crockpot and was wondering if it was OK to give the chickens. I was afraid that since the bones were so much less dense after stewing the chickens would break off pieces of the bones and eat them and get lodged in their crop or something. Thanks.
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Hello everyone, I just got done pulling out the turkey bones and such from my crockpot and was wondering if it was OK to give the chickens. I was afraid that since the bones were so much less dense after stewing the chickens would break off peices of the bones and eat them and get lodged in their belly or something. Thanks!

Hi, I asked almost the same question here:

The general consensus is that it's ok. I'm going to make broth from my turkey today and then give the larger bones to the girls. I let them have the neck after dinner Thursday (sort of a test). They loved it and had no problems from having it.
Oops, I'll give them to the chickens then. Stupid me for missing that!
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Just gave the ladies a carcass yesterday I'll see what it looks like today sometime. Sure it's picked over

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