Small chickens?


Sep 25, 2015
Okay,so I have been waiting to see if the "This years chicks" would grow big.Well,out of all the chickens I have ever had,they are small.They lay eggs.They are all about 7 months old.

They also have tiny combs and tiny waddles.Even the breeds that were suppose to be large are tiny.

Like the New Hampshire pullet.She is tiny for her breed,and has a shrink type waddle for her breed to.Same for the Barred rocks.The Silver laced Wyandotte is very tiny,and she doesn't even have a rose comb,which unusual.Something makes me think all these birds have something wrong with them...

And the New Hampshire came from a tractor supply,while I got the other from a hatchery.

The roosters match their breed.The leghorn cockeral is tiny as I was expecting since they aren't very big.The New Hampshire cockeral is fat,and tall,with a okay comb size and waddles.But the pullets look dwarfed compared to the other older hens.

I have also looked at others pullets on this site and they look normal,like all the other pullets I have seen.

Any idea on what may b egoing on,just slow growth or something?
Okay,so I have been waiting to see if the "This years chicks" would grow big.Well,out of all the chickens I have ever had,they are small.They lay eggs.They are all about 7 months old.

They also have tiny combs and tiny waddles.Even the breeds that were suppose to be large are tiny.

Like the New Hampshire pullet.She is tiny for her breed,and has a shrink type waddle for her breed to.Same for the Barred rocks.The Silver laced Wyandotte is very tiny,and she doesn't even have a rose comb,which unusual.Something makes me think all these birds have something wrong with them...

And the New Hampshire came from a tractor supply,while I got the other from a hatchery.

The roosters match their breed.The leghorn cockeral is tiny as I was expecting since they aren't very big.The New Hampshire cockeral is fat,and tall,with a okay comb size and waddles.But the pullets look dwarfed compared to the other older hens.

I have also looked at others pullets on this site and they look normal,like all the other pullets I have seen.

Any idea on what may b egoing on,just slow growth or something?
Maybe it's just because they are hatchery stock? Hatchery birds just don't get as big breed standard birds.
And it can take more than a year for chickens to finish growing and to fill out, mine can take a couple of years until they get real big.
I'll take pictures,but they really do not look like bantams.They don't have the body shape.

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