They won't stop pooping in the nests

That should work. I didn't realize the PVC was such a small diameter. Though they will sit on something narrow, they aren't perching birds like sparrows or cardinals. They're roosting/ground dwelling birds that need a broader base.
Update, I took the advice given and hung up two long pieces of 2x4s and they are all roosting on there now! No more in the nest boxes
They're not going to use that PVC to roost as it's too small of diameter and too slick to hold onto!  Same with the small diameter wooden dowels. Not only are they too small of diameter, but you stained them which makes them slick.Put up some roost that are 2X4 with the 4" (3.5:) side facing up and the birds will start to use the roost.

Also, don't make the roost so tall that the birds have to really exert a lot of effort to get up on them.

Agree about the PVC; too narrow and too slick. A 2" x 4" (wide side up) works really well. Even though chickens can fly, a ramp may make it easier for them and encourage use.
Agree about the PVC; too narrow and too slick. A 2" x 4" (wide side up) works really well. Even though chickens can fly, a ramp may make it easier for them and encourage use.

It's amazing how once I put the 2x4's they quit going in the nests at night. I was thinking of putting a ramp but then I thought maybe if there is a racoon break in they can climb up a and attack them. What do you think? They coons could probably get up there regardless.
A ramp or no ramp won't matter if a raccoon is in the building. They can climb sheer walls. They're one of the only animals that can descend a tree head first.

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