Chicken has seizures

I'm glad she's not having fits any more. If you are only feeding scratch grains though, you might be trading one problem for another. Scratch isn't a complete feed. I would try a non-medicated grower feed from a different brand than MannaPro and see how she does on that.
Ok Thxs, I will head to the feed store and check it out.
You can continue to feed the scratch as a treat as long as you offer grit on the side or your birds have access to soil where they can eat bits of crushed gravel. It helps them grind the grains in their crop.
You can continue to feed the scratch as a treat as long as you offer grit on the side or your birds have access to soil where they can eat bits of crushed gravel. It helps them grind the grains in their crop.
Got it,. Thank you so much for the info.
Hello everyone! Im glad to see Kathy on this thread ! Anyways yesterday I was outside with my girls doing yard work . My husband states there's something wrong with one of our favorite bantams . She's actually won the ugliest molt contest. Anyways back to story... I went to check her out. Her comb was looking red but turning a yellow almost like kidney failure . Maybe I just answered my question.
I grabbed her knowing everything she was doing wasn't normal. Even walking her into the house. On a normal day she would never let me separate her from Mille . That's now a whole other story... I out curly in s warm basques tried to feed her eggs and sugar water. Then sat with her on the couch. She would only slep if I touched her. So of course about a hour of lives went by and all the sudden she flipped out of the banquet . In shock I scrambled to grab her... I got her up as my husbands yelling " why did you drop her?" Well I didn't drop her!! She had seizure and then went
poor little angel ! Any ideas? No change in food , people chicks... Thank you in advance I hope this is not contagious. She had no prior signs.

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