Ameraucanas Versus Easter Eggers

Easter Eggers are crossbreds which may or may not lay blue/green tinted eggs. Ameraucanas are a true breed bred to a SOP. Type Easter Eggers/Ameraucanas in the search bar at the top of the page. A multitude of threads that define the differences will appear.
Easter Eggers are crossbreds which may or may not lay blue/green tinted eggs. Ameraucanas are a true breed bred to a SOP. Type Easter Eggers/Ameraucanas in the search bar at the top of the page. A multitude of threads that define the differences will appear.
X2 on sourland's post. There is a good article at explaining the difference between true Ameraucanas, true Araucanas, and Easter Eggers at You can see the SOP standards for true Ameraucanas at The Ameraucana Breeders Club considers any bird that lays colored eggs but does not meet each and every one of those standards to be an Easter Egger.

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