Part 2 - 9 month RIR hen taking a sudden dislike to flockmate, flockmate acting unusually submissive

Roost size is variable, many different opinions and preferences....per keepers and birds.
How wide(actually) is the roost they have?
You can try using the one you have and just raise it up.
Make sure the edges are smoothed out and not sharp.

From observing my birds:
Some birds had some trouble navigating the 2x2(actually 1.75 x 1.5) that I had for a nest perch.
When I changed it out to a 2x4(actually 3.5 x 1.5) wide side up, they were very obviously way more comfortable with it.

Some of my birds roost on the 2x2 edge of the roost board, some roost on the board itself, some use the 2x4 wide side up roosts.

So my preference has become 2x4 wide side up for full grown birds....
....I also feel it protects their feet better during the frigid winter weather we usually get.
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I think you could fit another roost in, pretty much right next to the existing one. As long as there's enough room for their butts to sink down, it should be fine. I'm not sure what the gap is between the two roosts in our small coop, but it's wide enough for cloacal clearance and narrow enough that the chickens can walk between them.

What's the exact layout of the coop? The photo is pretty small, and taken at an odd angle, so I don't know where the door and nest boxes are.
A lot depends on how handy you are, but I think I would pull the nest boxes out of the coop and use that space to get them some more roost space. Roosting birds are healthier and cleaner birds. I have various sizes of roosts, and I have birds that perch on all of them, mine do not seem to have a preference.

Several coops have nests that are attached to the outside of the coop. Which makes the inside of the coop a bit more space. Go to the coop part of this forum and see if you can't get some ideas.

Mrs K
Thanks all for you replies. I wanted to give you an update. My chickens have started roosting properly again, so I think there is reason for hope. I don't have the carpentry skills to play arouand with the nestboxes, but I will try the 2 by 4 idea to see if they like that better (from what I've read 2 by 4's sound pretty standard.. I may also try putting in two roosts if its feasible. That being said, what is the minimum amount of space between them?

I haven't made a decision about keeping them long term yet, as I am wanted to see if I can get them back to being fully feathered (two of them have some feather loss issues) and all three of them laying by Spring.

Thanks for your help.

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