Injured chick


8 Years
Jul 23, 2015
SW Florida
let my chickens out today like normal and checked on a chick I have that I am keeping in a rabbit type cage inside the coop so the chickens can see it and the chick can see them. Well I think she stuck her head through the bars got stuck and ripped her skin on her neck pulling her head back through or the older birds did it but I just don't see how. I will be making her a new set up tomorrow as I don't have time today as I have to work. What should I do for her wound? So far I brought her inside put neosporin on it wrapped her in a blanket and put her back in the cage with wood all around so no more sticking her head out.


Sounds like everything is covered. maybe tinier cage holes, to avoid that in the future, but the bird will grow quick and it soon will not be a problem. Just make sure chick is eating and drinking.

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