I don't know what happened

Raymond Rich

Dec 21, 2015
Tanzania, Dar es salaam city
Tiday i had a terrible headache trying to figure out how my guineafowl died instantly, she had a watery poop disharge and paralyzed legs, high body temperature and a mucus discharge in the mouth, suddenly she died, help what disease is this
Pneumoencephalitis May be the disease. It's also called Newcastles Disease. It's a respitory disease with most 80% of it being fatal. This disease is an airborne disease and CAN INFECT humans and other animals, including the rest of your flock, which most likely has it by now. Wash yourself, your clothes, and everything around the chicken. I'm sorry for your loss. There isn't a cure for this disease in chickens yet. If you have any nasal discharge, mucus in your throat, diarrhea, or feel strange, visit a doctor or a hospital IMMEDIATELY. I had a cousin almost die from this disease. Hopefully you sanitize anything she was near.

I'm sorry you lost your guinea, hope you and your other birds are ok.

Thanks for joining us (wish it was under better circumstances)

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