It has begun

Tumbling K

Oct 5, 2015
so this morning I have begun my journey down the dark and treacherous path of incubating.

I will try to use this thread as a tracking of my many mistakes along the way. For now, focus will be on hatching production birds, mostly egg layers, but for sure may delve into some meat or dual purpose birds as well. Unfortunately, because of you evil people, I've become enlightened to the fact of pretty colored eggs. Also some of you depraved crack dealers have also shown me some very colorful and pretty feathered birds. Still other of you nefarious people have shown me how much fun it is for all the other fowl.

thank you all very much. The addiction is rising.

The current plan is to start with some cheap, mixed breed fertile eggs, on the first and maybe even the second runs. Then focus on the specific pure breeds I want to produce the various sex linked birds I would like for egg production. Then progress to incubating and hatching the sex linked eggs.

today, one small Hovabator, tomorrow?


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I have been having to bum eggs off of friends and neighbors. my roo was not fertile (too young), now he is, but not all the eggs are (not getting all the ladies yet), I am setting test eggs to find the fertile ones. I have 3 that will hatch 30th, (not from my coop.) the center ones...

The outer eggs are fertile blue isbar mix eggs...(due in 19 days)

Below are test eggs in carton if fertile due in 20 days, the 2 loose eggs are due in 21 days if fertile. This will be it, unless I can toss a BCM egg with them.

the bottom eggs are mostly Blue isbar mixes and one BCM/isbar mix.

under normal lighting they look like this.
Good luck everybody! I hope you don't get too addicted
so this morning I have begun my journey down the dark and treacherous path of incubating.

I will try to use this thread as a tracking of my many mistakes along the way. For now, focus will be on hatching production birds, mostly egg layers, but for sure may delve into some meat or dual purpose birds as well. Unfortunately, because of you evil people, I've become enlightened to the fact of pretty colored eggs. Also some of you depraved crack dealers have also shown me some very colorful and pretty feathered birds. Still other of you nefarious people have shown me how much fun it is for all the other fowl.

thank you all very much. The addiction is rising.

The current plan is to start with some cheap, mixed breed fertile eggs, on the first and maybe even the second runs. Then focus on the specific pure breeds I want to produce the various sex linked birds I would like for egg production. Then progress to incubating and hatching the sex linked eggs.

today, one small Hovabator, tomorrow?



Congrats and welcome to the world of the chicken addict... Might I suggest going ahead and buying that second incubator now
I got a pic of the eggs I am incubating minus the BCM if I end up getting one from my hen...

yes the egg to the far right is gray.
I am almost there myself! Hoping to get an incubator for Christmas. I am already in the process of building my second coop now. I started with 3 last year, then added 8 more this spring, then 16 this fall. Heaven help me when I get the Bator!!!

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