I think my girl has finally laid an egg!


8 Years
Jun 16, 2015
Southern Pines, NC
This morning I let my chickens out to run around before the rain came down and I noticed my barred rock sticking very close to coop and then even going in the upper part where nest boxes are. I got really excited!! I went out to make sure there was proper bedding in the nests and she was right up there with me(usually a bit sketchy), and plopped down on a fresh bed of pine shavings. I walked away and heard this LOUD squawk! Was that her in labor? :') Anyway, I am not sure If I should bother her right away to check?
Okay good!! I've been noticing the nest boxes were made recently and my rooster back up there laying in the boxes too. I will just leave her be .Thanks! If I see her running around Ill go hurry and check!
It's so exciting I can't think to do anything else! I have had the longest adventure with chickens this year and about a year later I might get an egg! The first chicks I got all were cockerels, then the next ones I bought from an auction were really sick and old, then finally purchased some nice looking 100% pullets from a breeder so there would be no mistake!

. . . . . now I wait. . all my learning experiences might finally be worth it!

.... I don't leave eggs in the boxes- I've heard it encourages them to get broody, though that shouldn't be an issue with a young bird.

Also, If I left tem in the boxes now, they'd freeze: It's up to 29 degrees on the sunny east side of my house right now....
I just gobbled it up! I was so excited I forgot to eat and my stomached growled at me to go get that egg!!! I have heard some stories about broody hens, so I will take them out right away! I wish it was 29 here. It's been 75 for a week now and a soggy mess. All I can think of is how many bugs there will be if it doesn't freeze!

More protien for the chooks.

I enjoyed a weird satifaction when one of my chickens snatched a fly or skeeter out the air ..... akin to Mr. Miyagi watching Daniel-san catching one with chopsticks .......

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