Duck Dens! what does yours look like?

You have 4 of these? Wow!! Wats it like inside? Oh l would love that its awesome!
I can show pics of the others they are not as big as this one. and here is a pic of the inside of the one I posted the duck side sorry the pic is so big I can't get it smaller in my profile Mine sleep in stalls because I use to have too many drakes and they loved to fight so they all had their own bedrooms. This is an old pic the stalls are now painted for the ladies since I only have one drake in this house now
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I would kind of like to set up a recirculating system for the water so it could be filtered for some water efficiency. My big wild dream would be to cycle the water through vegetable grow beds, a la aquaponics.
Might I recommend reading some books/blogs/subreddits/etc. on permaculture?

Incorporating animal byproducts (poop, water etc.) is a big part of permaculture. Gaia's Garden is a great starting point and reference.
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