Newbie in Orillia Ontario


Dec 28, 2015
Orillia, Ontario
Hi Everyone! Shaun here from Orillia Ontario. I don't have chickens just yet, but I'll be getting a small mixed flock in February. In the meantime, I'll be setting up my paddocks, learning all I can, and collecting all the bits and bobs I'll need to provide for my new feathered friends! I'm also a novice beekeeper and a student of permaculture (and a graphic designer by profession).
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. X2 on OrganicFarmWife; if you haven't done so already, definitely check out our Learning Center. There is lots of useful information there. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Cheers.
Hi and welcome to byc - I hope you enjoy being a member and get a lot out of it.

Hi Shaun,

What breed of chickens are you getting in February? Hope you'll share a photo with us when you get them!

There are other members on BYC that are beekeepers. If you'd like to find them, put beekeeping in the Search box (upper left, under the logo).

Good luck with all your plans, thanks for joining us!
Based on availability, it looks like I'll be starting with Silver-laced Wyandotte, Cream Legbar, and probably a Maran, and then a few others maybe olive egger, Ameraucana, and/or RIR depending on who's laying in the next few weeks. I have a line on white chanteclers too, but I haven't decided if I'll include them in my flock. I have to keep my numbers low to start, since I just have one of those tiny commercial coop-in-a-box things from TSC until I can build something roomier. No roosters for now, as I'm concerned about the noise since my one neighbor's house is very close.
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Hi Shaun, welcome to Backyard chickens. You may also want to post on the "Canadians, check-in-here ," thread for answers to your duck specific questions. You may find you have poultry neighbors near you.

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