Great, red mites!


9 Years
Mar 8, 2015
My Coop
My Coop
I have done my research on the site on how to handle red mites. I saw a few on my chickens feathers upon close inspection. Great!
Plan as of right now:

I ordered tick and flea shampoo. My plan with this is to bathe the chickens as soon as he gets here, dust the chickens with Sevendust and chicken powder, and then rewash 10 days later and dust again.

I'm going to add sevin dust to the sand in the run, all over. I am going to add more chicken dusting powder to the dusting area and sevin dust as well.

I'm going to take out all bedding in the coop and spray sevin dust all over, air it out and then add new bedding. I also have mana pro poultry spray I'm going to spray that first then powder down everything.

Any other suggestions?
Once you do all of this,be sure to put vaseline on their legs to,just stop any mites from crawling up on them,they'll get caught,an dget smothered in vaseline.
Some mites are normal, I would do a thorough cleaning, dust each chicken, put some in roost cracks, in the nestboxes under the bedding, then I would dust again if needed in about two week, I would get a poultry dust with pyrethrin as it's safer than Sevin. Make sure you have a place for them to dust bath in as well.
Sevin all over??
Please don't.

Sevin dust (carbaryl) is illegal to use in any poultry as of 2010.
Not due to chicken safety issues, but due to human safety concerns when consuming eggs or meat.
Lifetime withdrawal according to
Sevin all over??
Please don't.

[COLOR=141823]Sevin dust (carbaryl) is illegal to use in any poultry as of 2010.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=141823]Not due to chicken safety issues, but due to human safety concerns when consuming eggs or meat.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=141823]Lifetime withdrawal according to [/COLOR][COLOR=3B5998][/COLOR][COLOR=141823] [/COLOR]

OK I did some reading. I already ordered it so I will use it to acutely treat the birds and buy permethrin asap
I ordered polity and garden dust with permethrin powder and it will be here Tuesday can't come soon enough I don't want to start cleaNing until it gets here

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