Losing their feathers

Check post #228 of this thread. Does she look like this? This shows how severe a molt can be. Most are nothing like this.

Molting Contest


I will try and find out about the feathers, unless I catch them in a nesting box they are difficult to catch LOL. I bought recommended grains at the feed store. I store them in a plastic tub so I do not have a label but will stop and take a look this week. I appreciate your input :)
I found out what is in the pellets I am feeding my girls 16% protein, lysine methionine, crude fat, calcium, phosphorus, salt, phytase-I use the DuMor brand. I have started feeding them additional protein, I used to give them dried mealworms but they are so expensive (but they do love them!) My girls are acting very normal and eating well but I was curious about my pellets when you mentioned it. Any other thoughts? I sure appreciate everyone on this site :)
I like to feed a 'flock raiser-grower' 20% protein crumble to all ages and genders, as non-layers(chicks, males and molting birds) do not need the extra calcium that is in layer feed and chicks and molters can use the extra protein. Makes life much simpler to store and distribute one type of chow that everyone can eat. I do grind up the crumbles (in the blender) for the chicks for the first week or so.

The higher protein crumble also offsets the 8% protein scratch grains and other kitchen/garden scraps I like to offer. I adjust the amounts of other feeds to get the protein levels desired with varying situations.

Calcium should be available at all times for the layers, I use oyster shell mixed with rinsed, dried, crushed chicken egg shells in a separate container.

Animal protein (mealworms, a little cheese - beware the salt content, meat scraps) is provided during molting and if I see any feather eating.
feather eating? I will have to look that one up- thank you for all your advice! I do give them oyster shell and since I eat 2 eggs daily I always rinse, dry and crush the shells up for the girls (they love them) I offer all sorts of scraps (their favs are kale, romaine, watermelon, squash) I offer oatmeal, chicken, scrambled eggs and plain yogurt on occasion too. I sprinkle scratch grains daily too. I keep cement blocks laying around the run area and occasionally turn them over, they always run over to collect any bugs that have gathered underneath. They are so cute! :)

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