Black crusty spots on comb


9 Years
May 8, 2012
jersey shore, nj

I've got 12 girls but only one has these black spots on her comb. It hasn't been cold at all so I don't think it's frostbite. Occasionally one has had this before and it resolves on its own. It's only on the comb, not the waddles. I figured I'd see if anyone knows what it actually is.
I don't "think" so but I guess it could be possible. I'll keep an extra eye on them to see if I hear any squabbling. We had over a week of solid rain recently which really throws their routines off.
I don't "think" so but I guess it could be possible. I'll keep an extra eye on them to see if I hear any squabbling. We had over a week of solid rain recently which really throws their routines off.

Good idea. :thumbsup Yeah, being cooped up makes my birds antsy sometimes too. I've found that filling suet feeders with fruits and veggies or hanging a head of lettuce or cabbage in the coop helps to keep them occupied.

If they do decide peck at her comb and then draw blood, they will continue to peck at it and possibly kill her, because chickens are attracted to the color red. There's a product called "Blu-Kote" that tastes horrible to birds, plus it will disguise the color of the blood/dried blood, and it has antiseptic properties. You may wish to buy some if she's being picked on by another bird. I will warm you though, Blu-Kote stains everything it touches purple, so if you do apply to your bird do it carefully, and it will take at least a few months for the purple color to disappear off of your bird.

This is what happened to me when I was applying some Blu-Kote to a bird whose comb was being picked on, and she decided to shake her head. :lau


(Luckily it comes off with rubbing alcohol.)
Ahhh that's really funny! I'm going to order some Blu kote. It'd be good to have on hand. I had one get attacked by a fox last summer. She survived but I think the stress of the event caused her to start feather plucking a spot the size of a quarter on her back. Every time pin feathers even begin to grow she pulls them out. It's definitely her doing it to herself too because I watch her. I sprayed her with some blue Halloween hair spray but she didn't care at all. Is Blu kote a spray? Any advice how to put it on her comb?
Ahhh that's really funny! I'm going to order some Blu kote. It'd be good to have on hand. I had one get attacked by a fox last summer. She survived but I think the stress of the event caused her to start feather plucking a spot the size of a quarter on her back. Every time pin feathers even begin to grow she pulls them out. It's definitely her doing it to herself too because I watch her. I sprayed her with some blue Halloween hair spray but she didn't care at all. Is Blu kote a spray? Any advice how to put it on her comb?

Yes, it was quite hilarious. :lol: I like to keep it on hand as well. Blue-Kote comes in both a spray and a liquid form, I currently have a small bottle of the spray because that's the only form of it our local farm store sells. To put it on a bird's comb, I like to go outside and spray some on a couple stacked paper plates, then take a small clean paintbrush and gently paint it on the bird's comb. A little Blu-Kote goes a long way.
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