Poultry Haven Farm Hatching Eggs 3/14/17 Buy It Now


Cochins R Us
16 Years
Nov 10, 2007
Mooresburg TN
Welcome to Poultry Heaven farm
I concentrate on raise show and rares breeds
I ship out eggs Monday-Weds
Buy It Now Sets
I have way too many eggs
No room in my cabinet

12+ Mixed Color silkies (Black Rooster and a Splash Rooster Over Whites, Splash, Blue Splash Hens) Mainly a grow out extra pen
$30 Shipped

18+ White Leghorns Rooster and few hens are show stock But other hens are hatchery Leghorns
$35 Shipped

18+ Black Breasted Red Phoenix Med sized birds there is also a White Phoenix hen in the group. (Im Tired of hatching this breed LOL)
$35 shipped

8+ White Runners Ducks + Two turkeys eggs (There is a chance you could get Rouen Mixes since I have my Old Rouens (5-6 years old) Hens in the pen with the Runners and the both lay a green tinted egg.
Turkey are from Black mottled and a blue mottled tomes over Chocolate Mottled hens
$30 shipped

12+ Modern Bantams Pens I collected these eggs out of are Mostly Bbred rooster over BBred, Lemon Blues, and 1 birchen hen, The others pens are Spalsh, Black, and Blue reds
$45 shipped

Pm me my paypal is [email protected]
I'll ship out as I get the orders.
I do have a full time job. But will spend all night packing if I have too.
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