Joining up for my upcoming chickens


Jan 3, 2016
Johnstown, NY
Hiya, new to the group. I'm in upstate NY and my family and I will be getting a few chickens this spring. Been reviewing the site and forums here, they all look really useful so I figured I'd join! Template q's....

(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?
I used to have chickens with friend at their farm. They moved and took the birds with them, so I'm going to build a run at my house and set up for a small flock this spring.

(2) How many chickens do you have right now?
None at this moment, but plan on getting 6 Rhode Island Reds when they come in at the local Agway. I remember that they were pretty friendly.

(3) What breeds do you have?
Currently none, see above. :)

(4) How did you find out about
The internet is a glorious thing! After looking at several sites, this one appeared to have a healthy amount of regulars, all different experience levels. Seemed to be an optimal choice for refreshing my chicken know-how.

(5) What are some of your other hobbies?
I have a background in manufacturing and construction. Job market is pretty weak in winter for that stuff in NYS, so am currently doing remodeling and such. Main projects are assisting the parents with major updated and repairs to our 200+ old house. Never ending work there.. I also knit, crochet, cook, target shoot, garden, collect crummy jokes and other such novelties.

(6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share.
Have 4 dogs at the moment, 2 English Mastiffs, a Great Dane and a German Shepard mix. They get along beautifully with my 10 year old Russian tortoise, who runs loose in the living room/summer kitchen areas. My parents are recently retired and are really getting into the whole gardening aspect, making me positive that the chickens will be having a very spoiled time here.
Welcome to BYC!
Good luck with your girls, the waiting is awful, isn't it? I hope your entry into the chicken world goes smoothly. :)
Welcome to Backyard chickens. You may like to join in at "BYC Café thread," lots of coffee drinkers and interesting folks and fun.' Tell 'em Diva sent you.

I've had (and have) RIR's myself and am a fan of them, wonderful egg layers and full of personality. I see you like to cook and collect crummy jokes, me too! Feel free to drop in on the home baker's thread if you'd like (we do cook too, not just bake)...the link is in my signature.

Here are a couple of chicken jokes to add to your collection:


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